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Water Environment Reconstruction Plan for Daxichuo Community (Pimajiao Drainage), Chiayi City, 2018.

The Chiayi City Government has taken into account the river pollution remediation and the construction of water environment , then hopes to combine the local characteristics and the people's participation to achieve the goal of the forward-looking infrastructure design (water environmental construction). Therefore, The Chiayi City Government propose “Water Environment Reconstruction Plan for Daxichuo Community (Pimajiao Drainage), Chiayi City, 2018.” Which is an effective program of building sustainable water environment and a goal of redevelopment in Daxichuo community. According to the implementing results of environmental surveys and analysis of background data collected, and indicate that the water pollution loading in Pimajiao drainage is mainly from point source (including of people's sewage, business wastewater and non-point source pollution.The external sewage volume in Pimajiao drainage ibasin is estimated to be approximately 3,697 CMD (m3/day) and 718.5 kg/day -BOD. Overall, as the results of the analysis of the proportion of BOD contribution in the sunny condition is mainly based on domestic sewage sources (about 80.8%).as the analysis of comparing with point source and non-point source, the main contribution source of BOD is from point source( about 88.0%). According to the entire planned procedure, the Tang City company actively handled the environmental background information and water quality monitoring during the implementation of the project, and accomplished scientifically the relative relationship between geographic environment and water quality data, and then as the result proposed some feasible methods and strategy to solve the program of water pollution in Pimajiao drainage, such as the site planning of water treatment plant by using natural purification. The results of this project are divided into five major items: 1. The completion of the work related to the environmental background, pollution sources, water pollution quality monitoring and the other research materials, consolidating, analyzing the water quality trends and pollution loading of the fishbone diagram in Pimajiao drainage. 2. Searching the available and feasible lands, and then accomplishing the basic design, the beneficial results and the economic assessments. 3. Applying development concept of the LID (Low Impact Design) to create a water purification plant that combines the functions of water quality improvement, landscape, ecological conservation and environmental education. and then also strengthen the participation of the community people and enhance the improvement of waterfront environment. 4.Accomplishing water purification plant that can be used to purifying the sewer discharged from the Daxichou community, and the water purification plant capacity should be at least 3,000 CMD, the water purification benefit should be above 50% on BOD removals, above 50% on SS removals, and above 40% on NH3-N. 5.Accomplishing the design of the on-site water treatment facilities, including bidding documents, 3D animation, topographic survey, boundary survey, geological drilling survey, detail design, relevant technician visa, budget, design layouts, maintenance & management plans and the tender documents, etc.).
Pimajiao Drainage, Water quality monitoring, Gravel Contact Oxidation, Constructed Wetlands.